Oh God, You make us glad with the weekly remembrance of the glorious resurrection of Your Son our Lord: Give us this day such blessing through our worship of You, that the week to come may be spent in Your favor; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for Sundays, Book of Common Prayer

Anglican worship is diverse, and it is best understood by visiting and attending a local congregation. What is common to all is an inheritance of worship that recognizes the supremacy of the Bible and often finds expression through the Prayer Book. To understand what and how Anglicans pray is to understand what they believe. The Prayer Book, described as the Scriptures arranged for worship, provides helpful resources for everything from personal daily devotions to large public gatherings of worship. It includes prayers for every season of life.

Quoted from Anglicanchurch.net

Anglican Worship

Restoration Anglican Mission

One of the beauties of Anglican Worship is that we tell the Gospel story Sunday after Sunday. We do that in our sung worship, through spoken liturgy, through prayer, through the reading of God’s Word, and through preaching. And we worship as we celebrate the Eucharist (communion) at His table.

Join Us!

We worship every Sunday at 3:00 pm followed by dinner and Bible study.

705 2nd Avenue in Monte Vista, Colorado

We are grateful to the members of First Presbyterian who so willingly share their church home with us